Wednesday, 7 January 2015

2015 Fitness Plans

A few days ago, I posted a YouTube video talking about my 2015 goals and resolutions, Watch it below if you haven't seen it yet!

In this video, I touched on the subject of health and fitness. I am a very live for the moment person, I like being able to enjoy food and prefer to be spontaneous with my eating and exercise habits. A long walk on a crisp morning just because I felt like it is much more appealing to me than slogging it in the gym because I know I should. That being said, when you become a parent you do realise that keeping on top of your health is really important and I hope that I will live long enough to watch not only my children, but also my grandchildren and great grandchildren grow up. Eating healthily and being active is only going to help with that so I definitely need to make more of an effort with it.

2014 was not a great year for us in terms of eating habits. We had a second baby who was pretty needy, so meal planning and cooking from scratch unfortunately took a back seat. We didn't eat terribly; but a few too many meals consisted of shop bought pasta, baked beans and oven chips!

I am not somebody who aims to eat a completely clean diet or strictly control what I eat on a daily basis. Everything in moderation I say! I love a takeaway curry and cheese sarnie too much to ever cut these things out and there really is more important things in life than trying to have a perfect diet; but I could definitely change the proportions of my meals so that I am eating a few more vegetables and a bit less refined sugar and white carbs. 

In the past I have done the Slimming World diet; it was great and I lost what I wanted to, but there are elements of the diet that I don't like, such as cutting out all fats. I am too much of a fan of avocados, olives and full fat yoghurt! So I have decided to just cut down on sweets, chocolate and biscuits for now and try and fit more veggies and fish in to my plates and see how I go!

As far as weight goes, I am fairly happy at the size I am today. I am not skinny or slim and I definitely have some 'junk in my trunk'. I could probably lose a few pounds, but I definitely don't want to get too thin. In the words of Meghan Trainor 'boys like a little more booty to hold tonight' and that definitely rings true for my hubby! For me, the priority is more to tone up and get fitter. Before having my two kids, I was naturally curvy and toned without doing much exercise. I hated my figure back then but now I look at it and think what was I moaning about!

 Since having children, however, things are most definitely a little more jiggly! Over the last few days I have been making a real effort to exercise more vigorously; I went along to my first zumba class and it was great fun and hardly felt like exercise. I have also been doing the 30 Day Shred workout and am about to complete day 4. This kind of workout is not my favourite at all; I much prefer sports, swimming and dancing but as I have such a busy life with two kids, I can't get to the pool to swim so workouts with my laptop are the only way I can fit in a workout on a daily basis. I already feel that I am starting to improve my fitness and my belly already doesn't feel as wobbly so I'm determined to complete it and see the results!

Have you made a resolution to get fitter this year? Are you doing a diet? Let me know in the comments so we can inspire eachother to keep buggering on! 

mwah X

1 comment:

  1. You have the perfect attitude toward your health. It really is a lifetime journey and not a diet. On another random topic...I love the opal ring you wear. My girls' birthstones are opal and pearl. I would love to have a ring made like yours with seed pearls alternating with the opals. I love that feminine, vintage style. Could you send me a picture of it to my Then hopefully I can find a jeweler who could make one for me! You have such a beautiful family and you are doing such a wonderful job as a Mummy. Your Mum must be very proud of you. Thanks in advance for the picture! xo, Laura



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