I would not consider myself to be a winter person. At all! I like sunshine and the vibrancy that spring and summer bring. Spring is probably my favourite season of all; it symbolises new life and for me that is a such a positive notion to be a part of. The evenings slowly begin to draw out and the sun rises earlier, which makes it so much easier to get up for the dreaded school run every day. I can practically feel my skin soaking up the vitamin D and starting to turn golden again on the odd occasion we get a day of sunshine. I love this time of year and I can't wait for what this spring and summer is going to bring!
One of my favourite things about the warmer weather is how carefree my children seem. There isn't the battle every morning stuffing them into coats, hats, snowsuits and welly boots. Throw on a pair of shorts, t-shirts, cardie and we are good to go! Living on a farm, in the winter, there is mud EVERYWHERE. Even the walk from our front door to the car results in at least one child splattered with mucky water from the puddles, and I can't wait for the time when my driveway will at last be dry. What a funny thing to get excited about, eh!
I just love dressing my kids in the summer. I love the shopping for it even more! As usual, I have been browsing online for some special pieces for my children this season, and I thought I would share some with you!
Usually, my first port of call for my children's apparel needs is the Little Bird range at Mothercare. Unfortunately, I have been a little disappointed with this season's new collection, so I don't think much will be coming home with us this time.
I was browsing my local Next store a week or so ago and lots of lovely items caught my eye for Bryony. Having a better look online, the Padstow range is totally up my street. Not only do I adore Padstow as a holiday destination (we visit Cornwall nearly every year), this little selection of nautical inspired clothes is just beautiful and I may have to make a cheeky purchase or two soon to bulk out Bryony's summer wardrobe.

1. Pink Lighthouse skirt. Girly and pretty!
2. Boat vest tops A practical, useful addition for hot summer days.
3. Denim Lighthouse tunic dress adorable on a spring day with long socks and converse. Oooh!
4. Stripe nautical blouse The stripes, the collar, the appliqué...oh my!
5. Retro shirt dress Possibly my favourite of it all. I love the shape, so very retro.
6. Pink canvas trousers Another practical, useful item that would go with everything. Every little girl needs a few pairs of jeans and trousers in her wardrobe for days playing at the park.
7. Red waterproof jacket The colour of this is gorgeous, a rich strawberry red. Toggles too!
8. Whale Jumper This is actually from the baby section which I noticed now goes up to 24m! I could get a few months wear out of the 18-24m for Bryony so worth getting I think! Perfect for when we go whale watching in August.
9. Denim smock romper Very unpractical for a potty training toddler but I just love the smocking detail! Fingers crossed I can get this in the sale for next summer when she is confident using the toilet.
I have to say that I adore the whole colour way here. Blue has always been one of my favourite colours and I love dressing both of my children in blue. Paired with soft pinks, cream and red, I feel that this selection is girly, young and epitomises the spirit of a great British summer! If only I could buy it all!
When I ask Bryony what she would like to wear, she without fail always picks out anything from Joules with a horse on. I am still squeezing her into a jersey baby set, and jersey dress which are in 12-18months, and would love to get her some new bits for my horse mad girl! Here are the ones I think Bryony would love.
1. Horse print leggings; Like I said Bryony is horse mad; she would love these!
2. 'Giddy Up' t-shirt. One of her favourite things to say while she rides her hobby horse.
3. Geometric flag leggings. These are a pretty cool print and would jazz up a plain t-shirt for warm spring days at the park.
Joules can get pretty expensive, but these three items are on a 3 for £29.50 deal which saves over a tenner. Pair that with a 20% voucher code and that's a pretty good saving overall! I may have to use her birthday money for these bits soon...
Lastly, an honourable mention goes to Mini Boden for their spring/summer collection. To be honest Boden is one of those brands which never disappoints. The level of quality is second to none; I haven't found a high street store that matches in terms of quality. I rarely buy much from Boden simply because the prices are too high for our budget. These are a few of my favourite pieces (note, lots of dogs, whales, horses and rainbows!)

Have you seen any lovely items for your children in the shops this Spring? Please let me know about any pretty bits and bobs you see on your travels. <3
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